Last Updated on April 11, 2017.


Breeder and Rescue Herd Initials

AAH Aaron’s Hedgehogs
ABH Alaska Bred Hedgies
ACH A.C. Hedgehogs
ADH Anne Dray Hedgehogs
AEC Elevage Apic Et Compagine
AEH Amber’s Exotic Hedgehogs
AEX Animals Exotique
AHB Adorable Hedgehogs
AHR Aux Herisson De Reve
AKH or TPH Terrapin Hedgehogs (Formerly Alaskan Hedgehogs)
ALD The Dunn Bunch
ALH Alabama Hedgehogs
ANC Ain’t No Creek Ranch
APH April’s Hedgie Herd
APH Aux Poils Herisses
APO Pogzilla’s
APP Amber’s Prickly Pets
ARE Arkansas Exotics
ATL Atlantis Hedgehogs
BAH Blue Agave Exotics formerly Blue Agave Hedgehogs
BBH Beach Bum Hedgehogs
BBP or BPF Bobbies Pets
BEE Bumble Bee Hedgies
BFF Big Feather Farm
BLH Bloomin’ Hedgehogs
BPB BP Hedgehogs
BPH Briar Patch Hedgehogs
BQH Blissful Quills Hedgehogs
BSH Big Sky Hedgehogs
BYB Bark Yard Buddies
BZH Brizzy’s Hedgies
CBH Coastal Breeze Hedgehogs
CCC Crespo’s Crazy Critters
CCE Cuddly Critter Exotics
CCH Critter Crazy Hedgehogs
CCR Critter Crossing Hedgehogs formerly known as HCH High Country Hedgies
CCT CC’s Treasures and Exotic Pets
CDA Critter Corner Acres
CDE C&D Exotics
CFE Cactus Flower Exotics
CHE Castle Hedgehog
CHH Chaos Hedgehogs
CHR Crachhiolo Hog Ranch
CJH Connor and Jim’s Exotics
CNH Carpe Noctem Hedgehogs
COG Connie George Hedgehogs
CQH Colorful Quills
CQK Cutie Quills
CQS Curious Quills Hedgehogs
CSE Chris Sipe Exotics
CSH Carolina Storm Hedgehogs
CSH Cobblestone Hedgehogs
CSR Hedgehog Ranch
CTH Connecticut Hedgehogs
CUH Cute Quills
CVH Cedar Valley Hedgehogs
CYP Cypress Pets
DCH Dream Catcher Hedgehogs
DCH Elevage Abitipic
DEH Dorman Exotics
DFL Dumb Friends League
DFM Dreamflower Meadows aka Zippity Zoo
DHH Desert Hedgehogs
DHR Double S Hedgehog Ranch
DQH Quirky Quills Hedgehogs
DSP Prickly Pal Hedgehogs: Dave and Stacie Swoveland
DZM Daisy Meadows Hedgehogs
EAS Elevage Les Amy de Soni
ECH Echidnos Hedgehogs
EDP Elevage La Dame De Pics
EEE Emerald Eyes Exotics
EEH Eternal Hedgehogs
EHP Eugene Hedgie Pets
EIH Emerald Isle Hedgehogs
EJW Elevage Hedgies or Eva Jean Winters Hedgehogs
Élevage KC Exotics
ELH Elevage Kipic
ELK Elevage Lady Pics
ELL Elevage Lucky Pics
ELP Elevage Mon Chou
EMC Emilie et ses Herissons
EMH Elevage Petit Pics
EPP Elevage Herisson Pic A Tout
EPP Prickly Paws Hedgehogs
ERE Elevage Rose & Epines
EST Elevage Sweet Temptation
EXH Exclusive Hedgehogs Previously Clover Hill Farms
FAS Feathers and Spikes FAS
FBM Forever Blue Monday
FCH First Coast Hedgehogs
FFF Fins Feathers and Fur
FHF First Harmony Farms
FMN Forget-Me-Not Hedgehogs
FPC Feathers Paws and Claws
FQH FireQuills Hedgehogs
FSH Free State Hedgehogs
GBH GreenBeans Exotics formerly GreenBean’s Hedgehogs
GEH Glider Mom Exotics
GFH Great Forest Hedgehogs
GIH Green Isle Hedgehogs
GNH Good Natured Hedgehogs
GTH Got Hedgehogs
HAH Hamor Hollow Hedgehogs
HAR Sarah’s Andorian Hedgehogs
HBH Patriot Pogs formerly Hedgeboken Hedgehogs
HBR Huber Hogs and Peek a Boo Hogletry
HBV Hedgehogs by Vickie
HCH High Country Hedgies
HDH Hidden Hills Hedgehogs
HDT High Desert Hedgehogs
HE Heinstein Exotics
HEH Hedgehog Hollow
HFH Heartfelt Hedgehogs
HFU Hedgehogs4u
HGH Hope’s Hedgie Haven
HHB Hedgehog Bayou
HHD Hedgie Delight(s)
HHF Hood Petz
HHI Hedgehog Island
HHL Hedgehog Hill
HHL Hedgehog Luv
HHM Hedgehog Mountain
HHT Happy Hogs
HHV Hedgehog Valley
HIS Hedgehogs in Space
HKS HuckStar Hedgehogs
HLC Helens Little Critters
HMT Hazel Mountain Hedgehogs
HNA Hedgehoggin Around
HND Hand’s Hedgehog
HNP Hedgehogs N Paradise
HNW Hedgehogs Northwest
HNY Honey’s Hedgies
HOG Hedgehogs of Greater Tampa
HOH House of Hogs
HOT Hedgie Hotel also known as SBExotics
HPL Hedgie Pals
HQH Hedge Quill Hogs
HQR HedgeQuarters
HRU Hedge Hogs R Us – FL
HRUS Hedgehogs R Us – WI
HRY Henry’s Hedgehog Haven
HSH Heaven Sent Hedgehogs
HTH Houndstooth Hedgehogs
HUH Hurricane Hedgehogs
HUT Hedgie Hut
HVH Heavenly Hedgehogs
INH Hoosier Hedgehogs
JBG Picky Hedgies previously Jeanne’s Boys and Girls
JDE Janda Exotics
JEZ Jezebelle’s House of Hogs
JHH Jennifers Hedgie Haven
JLH Jen’s Little Hedgies
JPH Jackpot Hedgies
JPP Pierces Pogs aska Julie Pierce Hedgehogs
KCE Kindercritters Exotics or Kinder Critter Exotics
KMT King Mountain Treasures
KNT Knapik’s Knest
KQH Kelly’s Quills
KRF K&R Farms
KTW Kymwana Tiggy Winkles
LCH Laurels Zoo aka  Laura Cronin Hedgehogs
LCH Lilac City Hedgehogs
LLH Lara’s Little Hedgies
LNJ Little Ninja Hedgehogs
LSH Lake Shore Hedgehogs
LVC Living Cactus
MBE Mombassa Exotics
MCC My Country Critters
MCH Motor City Hedgehogs
MDE Mad Dog Exotics
MDR or VBH Virginia Beach Hedgies
MHC Mountain High Common
MHR Melissa’s Hedgie Row
MIG Mischief in the Garden
MJM MJM Caviary & Rabbitry
MLC Mini Land Critters
MM Massena’s Menagerie
MMD Munchkin Menagerie
MMF Millermeade Farms
MPH Mom & Pop Hedgehogs
MSP Milwaukee Super Pogs
MTW Miss Tiggy Winkles
NEH New England Hedgehogs
NHH Hog Heaven aka Niagara’s Hogheaven Hedgehogs
NPH Northern Plains Hedgehogs
NWK Needlework Hedgehogs
OFH Oceanfront Hedgehogs
OHH Olympus Hedgehogs
OMH Opal Meadows Hedgies
OUH Once Upon a Hedgehog
PNP Peeps N Paws
PAL Prickly Pal Hedgehogs
PAW Pawprint
PBQ Poky Balls Quillery
PCE Prickly Creek Exotics
PCH Prickle Patch Hedgehogs
PEH Pixie’s Exotic Hedgehogs
PHP Palmeta Hedgehog Plantation
PHT Phat Exotics
PIZ Pogs in Zen
PMP Patrick’s Mystical Pogs
PNN Pins N Needles
PNP Peeps N Paws
PNQ Prickles N’Quills
PPA Prickle Path Exotics
PPE Prickly Pear Exotics
PPH Prickly Pair Hedgehogs
PPP Penny’s Prickly Pigs
PPS Perkins Prickly Pals
PRP Puerto Rican Pogs
PSH PogStar Hedgehogs
PTP Palm Tree Pogs
QAL Quills Alabama
QFT Quills 4 Thrills UK
QQH Qute Quills
QRS Quills R Us
QUI Harlequin Hedgehogs At  The Quillery
RCH Rose City Hedgehogs
RHH Robs Hogs
RHS or RSH Riddles Hedgehogs
RLZ R Lil’ Zoo
RMH Rocky Mountain Hedgehogs
RPH Rolly Polly Hedgehogs
RTW Rushtawin
RWH Rosewood Hedgehogs
SAH Susan Alligood
SBH Storybook Hedgehogs
SBJ Suggiebabies Jellies
SCR Silver Creek Exotics
SCS or SSS Spikes and Scales
SDH Sharon Decker Hedgehogs
SEC Smiley Exotic Critters
SFH Shadow Fox Hedgehogs
SGH SageHogs
SGW Sisters Gone Wild
SHF Sweet Home Hedgehog Farm
SHH Susans’ Hawkeye Hedgehogs
SLH Sandlot Hedgehogs
SLT Salt City Hedgies
SNK Simpson N’ Kidz Small Pets
SPB Hedgie Hog Haven
SPB Kurts Crazy Critters
SPE Specialty Exotics est. 1995
SPH Super Hedgehogs
SQH Sunshine Quill Hedgehogs
SRE Stewarts Ranch Exotics
SSE S&S Exotics
SSH Sea Shore Hedgies
STH Sweet Treat Hedgehogs
TCH Carolina Hedgehog: Formerly Teresa’s Carolina Hedgehogs
TCQ Thrills, Chills, & Quills
TDH Thistle Dew Hedgehogs
THH The Happy Hedgehog
THV Hedgehog Ville
TLC TLC Hedgehogs
TLH Twilight Hedgehogs
TNC Pygmy Pets
TNH Tennessee Hedgehog & Rescue
TNT TNT Hedgehogs
TQH Tranquill Hedgies
TQHH Top Quality Hedgehogs
TRH Thornridge HedgehogS
TSP Texas Super Pogs
TWQ Twisted Quills Hedgehogs
USA Hedgiesville USA
VAH Virginia Hedgehogs
VHG Victorino’s Hedgehog Garden
VHH Vegas Hedgehogs
VPE Vanderpool Exotics Inc
VVH Volcano View Hedgehogs
WCH West Coast Hedgehogs
WFP Warm Fuzzies and Prickles
WHG Wooly Hedgehog Gang
WHH Whole Harted Hedgies
WHW Western Hedgehogs of Wyoming
WLH Wonder Hedgies
WWH Womblewood Hedgehogs
XWH Wildhearts Hedgehogs


Breeders and Rescues Without Herd Initials

A Spiny Place Hedgehog Rescue
Adam’s Hedgehogs
Andrew Young
Angels by Sophia
Ark-cessories, Inc.
Arkansas Hedgehog Rescue
Ashley’s Animals
Chesapeake Hedgehogs
Clements HedgeHogs
Compassionate Quills
Cosmo’s Quills
Curious Creatures Rescue
D & D Hedgehog’s
Dark Corner Hedgehogs
Debra Anderson
Double H Mini Ranch
Easy on the Eyes
Echo Woods
Eco Exotics
Elaine Becker-Fischer
Enchanting Companions
Flash and Thelma Rescue
Grand Mesa Hedgehogs
Greater Hedgehog Tenrec
Hafta Have Hedgehogs
Halpine Hedgehogs
Happily Ever After Hedgehogs
Happy Hedgehogs
Happy Hedgies Pokey Pals
Heart of Ohio Hedgehogs
Heart to Heart Hedgehogs
Hedge Hog Lane
Hedge Hoggery
Hedgehog Baby
Hedgehog Hills
Hedgehogs By Adam
Hedgehogs By Georgia Martin
Hedges Hedgehogs
Hedgies at Twilight
Hedgies R Us
Hog Wild Hedgehogs
Homeward Bound Hedgies
Hoover’s Hounds
Howell Hogs
I Want A Hedgehog
Jenn’s Exotics
Jenner Brunk
Jersey Hedgehogs
Jessika’s Hoglets
Jimmys Hedeghogs
K & K’s Krazy Quills
Laura Wetterau
Lori Keller
Marina Agafonova
Marissa’s Hedgies
Merri’s hedgehogs
MO Hedgehog
Morning Star Hedgehogs
Natasha Rausch
New Harmony Exotics
Noodle Back Hedgehogs
North Carolina Hedgehog Rescue
North Shore Hedgies
OH! Hedgehogs
Ohannas Hedgies
Oregon Hedgehog Haven
Panhandle Exotics
Penny’s Prickles
Pepper’s Hedgehogs
Pez Pigs
Pincushions & Pets
Pinkies Hedgehogs of Michigan
Q’s Quills
QT Quills
Quality Quills
Quills and Thrills
Quills in Wonderland
Quilly Garden Hedgehogs
Rebecca Bauman Hedgehogs
Reno Hedgehogs
RepStiles Exotics
Rivera Exotics
Sacred Creatures
Sir Snuffy’s Hedgehog Sanctuary
Skylar Mathis
Sleepy Hollow Hedgies
Snake Eyes Reptiles and Exotics
So Many Quills Hedgehogs
SoHo Designer Exotics
Southeastern Connecticut Hedgehogs
Southwest Hedgehog Rescue
SS Hogz
Susan Morrison
Taylor’s Hedgies
That Hedgie Place
Upstate Quill Critters
Virginia Beach Hedgies
Warfields Hedgehogs
Wichita Hedgies
Wonderland Hedgehog Rescue
Zele’s Hollow
Zippy Hegies

Breeders and Rescues Without Herd Initials


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