Last Updated on November 18, 2021.

 Where are you located?

We are located in Montpelier, Ohio. We have a Directions Page with information on Detailed Directions, Estimated Driving Times and Travel Accommodations.

I am considering a hedgehog as a pet. What do I need to know?

  • Our Hedgehog Information page has lots of general care and housing information.
  • Our Purchasing From Us page has lots and lots of information specifically about purchasing from us!
  • Our Video Library with lots of videos to help you prepare to take your new hedgehog home.

Do you provide care sheets and are you available to answer questions after I take my hedgehog home.

No, we do not offer care sheet handouts for you to take home.  We used to do that in the past but we kept adding more and more information and they turned into a book!  Now we have lots and lots of Hedgehog Information on this site that has a convenient search tool and other forms of easy navigation.  YES, we are absolutely available to answer questions.  Sometimes it is hard to pin down Gail because she rarely stays in one place very long but we do have a very active  Facebook page  where one of our team members or other friends can help you.  When you have something URGENT, feel free to call  419-485-3690, use our contact form (a new window will open) or contact us through Facebook.  We don’t want to ignore you we just may be hard to find.  Be sure to put URGENT as the first word of your emails, texts, and Facebook messages so we know to go to your message ASAP.

Is a male or a female a better pet?

Our Gender Differences article answers this in great detail about the differences between males and females.

Do hedgehogs get lonely? Should I purchase one or two?

Our article Are Hedgehogs Solitary or Social? will help explain this question.

What colors are available?

We have a variety of colors available. Our Available Animals page has pictures of the babies so you can choose your favorite color. Some colors are more rare than others. If you have a particular color in mind check out our Placed in New Home Pages to look at other color varieties. When you see one you like let us know their name so we can look and see if we have a similar baby in upcoming litters. Color selection is not a part of our Pick From Three program.

VIDEO.:  Are hedgehogs clean animals?  Do they smell?

Are hedgehogs are illegal or require a permit?

Some states yes, they do require a permit. Maine, Arizon, Georgia, California, Hawaii, Pennsylvania

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